Friday, January 06, 2006

Discrete Maths for 1 pt!

Praise God!

I was out-bidded in this module(which is unusually popular this semester) for the past few rounds as some rounds even chalked this up til 1000+ pts. But God is good, and He was to give it to me at the last stage of round 2 for a whopping 1 point only!

I have 3 modules now and 2 more to go. Japanese studies and Japanese Language 2 (this i was outbidded this round). can trust God to give what He would want me to take.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The "rotation" transformation is where you turn a figure about a given point (P in the diagram above). The point about which the object is rotated can be inside the figure or anywhere outside it. The amount of rotation is called the angle of rotation and is measured in degrees. By convention a rotation counter-clockwise is a positive angle, and clockwise is considered a negative angle. help me with math